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How to Pronounce reduplicates?

Correct pronunciation for the word "reduplicates" is [ɹɪdjˈuːplɪkˌe͡ɪts], [ɹɪdjˈuːplɪkˌe‍ɪts], [ɹ_ɪ_d_j_ˈuː_p_l_ɪ_k_ˌeɪ_t_s].

What are the misspellings for reduplicates?

What are similar-sounding words for reduplicates?

What is the past tense of Reduplicates?

  • The term "reduplicates" refers to the doubling or repetition of a syllable or part of a syllable in a word. It is not a tense of the verb itself, but rather a technique used in various languages, such as Chinese, to form certain verb tenses.

  • In English, reduplication is not a common feature for verb conjugation. However, there are a few irregular verbs where a form of reduplication is used in the past tense. Here are some examples:

  • 1
  • What is the adverb for reduplicates?

    The adverb for the word "reduplicates" is "reduplicatedly".

    What is the adjective for reduplicates?

    The adjective form of the word "reduplicates" is "reduplicated".

    Usage over time for reduplicates:

    This graph shows how "reduplicates" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

    What is the plural form of reduplicates?

    The plural of the "reduplicates" can be the "reduplicates".

    What is the singular form of reduplicates?

    The singular of the "reduplicates" can be the "reduplication".

    Synonyms for Reduplicates:

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